Thursday, December 17, 2009

Running at the Beach

The last 2 weeks have been absolutely beautiful!!! I have been running with my friend Jake at the beach it's been awesome!

The sunrises have been amazing and you can see the snow covered mountains at the same time! The best part of living in Orange County is that I can be at the beach and looking at the mountains at the same time it's amazing!!! God is so good!

On Tuesday I ran 2 miles without wearing my leg wrap and had very little pain it was so exciting. Although since then I have had more pain so that's not good! But physical therapy is going good and we are making progress!!!

It's amazing we have only been running 2 miles everyday and it's gotten pretty easy for the most part to run that far. I am not pushing myself anymore I'm just enjoying it! I am excited for the day my therapist says I can run further and harder!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nerve test results

So i went to the orthopedic last week and they gave me the results of my nerve tests.

Well surprise, surprise nothing is wrong. Everything on the tests turned out perfect! So my doctor is totally stumped at what the problem could be...

So he said to try another physical therapist and see if that helps at all. I started working with a new therapist his name is Leo and so far he is really good! He thinks it could possibly be my IT band that is causing the problem so we have been doing a lot of stretches and stuff to try and get it working better! so we'll see if it helps at all.

Monday my friend Jake came and ran with me around the neighborhood. It was fun to have someone besides my dog running with me. Although Jake has not come back to run with me since then. He keeps telling me he is going to but we will see! hopefully tomorrow? :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MRI results

So I went to the orthopedics's office yesterday! I had gotten my MRI last week and was going in to get the results from the scan.

After looking at the pictures and stuff the orthopedic came in and told me that my MRI showed that I was perfect! there is nothing wrong that they can see from the MRI :( So basically we have no idea!

So Next month I have an appointment with a neurologist who is going to test my nerves. Basically the orthopedic thinks that it might be a compressed nerve that is causing the pain. So basically we still have no idea what is wrong and I have to wait another month until we will maybe have any idea!?


Meanwhile... I ran a timed mile yesterday to see my time this time around.

so the results 9.40 which isn't to bad and considering my leg hurts and it was freezing which makes it much harder to breathe so 9.40 is not bad at all.

I'm actually really proud that I can run as much as I do! I never thought I would be able to run at all!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rainy Days

So it's been quite rainy the last few days which makes it much harder to go out and run! I think mostly the thought of what if I slip and die! :) so I decided to pull out some old workout dvds that I had bought and do some of those! I forgot how much of a workout some of them are!! wow!

I got an MRI on my leg/knee on Monday. Next Monday I should get the results from the MRI and hopefully see what is causing the pain and hopefully take the next steps to fixing it so I can stop wearing this stupid wrap and just run!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Feeling good...

I have been feeling great running lately! I finally got past the pain and have been pushing myself to go farther and farther everyday!

But... Physical therapy has been getting me no where for the most part. I haven't gotten any better. I have gotten stronger but the pain is still there without wearing the brace. so my physical therapist tried to further diagnose this problem both therapists think that it is my PCL (posterior cruciate ligament)which can only be fixed by surgery (sucky)

So I am scheduled next week to go back to the orthopedic and get scheduled for an MRI so we will see how that goes and see what the options are from there!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back Home

Coming back from the cruise I thought it was going to be really hard to get back into the swing of things. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was able to go to boot camp the day after we got back and workout the same as I had been. It was pretty good! And on cardio day I about 3 miles! It felt so good to push myself and really accomplish something!

I went back to physical therapy this week. Man was I hurting! I didn't think it was going to be that hard to go back but it was. We are working on building the muscle back in my leg so hopefully I can get the my leg strong and unpainful again! It takes a lot of work!

Running on a Cruise Ship

Everyday on the cruise I was able to run at least a mile sometimes up to 3 miles. I still can't run 3 miles straight without walking but I am doing better. I think with a little more training I will be able to do a 5k without breaking!

It's a little more difficult than you think to run on a cruise ship. It's OK running when the ship is not moving however when the ship is moving it's way hard. Sometimes the ship comes up to meet your foot while other times you take much bigger steps. It's really weird. I guess you would have to experience it to understand!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Running in Alaska

So my family and I are in Alaska for the next 2 weeks. Of course just
because you are on vacation does not mean that you can take a break
from running!

So this morning my mom dad And I headed out for a run we found this
great trail that was about a half mile.

The temperaure was perfect for running not to cold not to hot just
perfect! I hope all of our days here are this perfect for running. We
ran about 1.5 miles although it was a much slower pass than I am used
which sometimes is good to take it easy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's Get MUDDY

So it's a little after but I haven't had time to post yet!

On July 18th my friends Barb and Elizabeth decided to do a mud run with me. Yes a mud run crazy!!

A mud run basically is a 5k run in mud. There are also some obstacles like walls to climb over and pits of mud and a lagoon you wade through some crawling and some tubes you have to climb through. It was really run and really muddy!

Liz and I finished the run with a time of 46.17 which is pretty good! We would have gotten a better time but we had to wait for people in order to go over some of the walls. Liz doesn't run as much as I do so we did more walking than I would have liked to do but it's all good! At least I didn't push myself to much!

Today was cardio day at boot camp. The last cardio day that I went to (a few months ago) I was able to run about 2 miles. Today I finished 3.25 miles! AWESOME! I was so excited to be able to run that much farther. Of course I can't run that strait but I am working my way there.

Marta wants to run a 5k before her birthday on 9/9/09 so my goal is to be able to run a 5k by then with her.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Back on My Feet

I am so excited everyday last week except Sunday I was able to go out and "run." It's more like slowly jogging but it feels so good to be able to do something.

Since it is so hot lately I have been going over to Huntington central park. It's really beautiful and there is shade on most of the paths. I brought Daytona (my dog) all of the days except Friday. She is still not able to run as much as I would like to so I end up dragging her after about 1/3 mile. I am just going to keep taking her. She needs to learn to run more.

On Saturday I got dressed and put shoes on. Right as I was getting the dog ready to go my parents arrived home from their bike ride. With a little coaxing I was able to get them out and jogging with me. It was amazing how much more Daytona ran with everyone there with me.

I do have to say running is not as bad as it was my the first week. Slowly my body is getting use to it and I am starting to enjoy it. I know scary thought but it's true. Although by the end i pushing myself to finish the last little bit and can barely breath when I finish.

My leg for the moment as long as I am wearing my hamstring wrap is feeling great!

Monday, June 29, 2009

See Jessy Run

Well more like Jog slowly...

Since the Physical Therapist said that I could try "jog/walking" whatever that means, Saturday I put on my running shoes got the dog leash and went out.

I did stretch a lot and put on my compression wrap to make sure that I would be ok. I was able to get around the block (1.5 miles) without stopping to walk (except to pick up and throw away dog poop) and without real pain! I was so excited! So of course again today at bootcamp I had to try!

At bootcamp I was able to get around the parking lot without pain. I was jogging with my mom which was slower than I normally do but I wanted to make sure that I was not going to push to much!

So it looks like I might be able to start working towards that 5k again!!! Slowly is the key! I need to remember not to push myself yet I am still healing and working towards stronger legs.

Friday, June 19, 2009


So I went to physical therapy yesterday nothing to exciting! I am going to be gone all week next week so she told me to make sure i keep stretching next week while I am gone!

As I was leaving she said that towards the end of next week i could try jogging/walking to see how my leg feels! So hopefully I will have no pain and I will be able to keep jogging and hopefully running!!!

I'm totally excited! I am ready to run I am so tired of not doing anything!

Monday, June 15, 2009

This is going to change your life!

Alright so I was at a snails pace running shop yesterday with my parents. Well while i was there this guy next to me was talking to the lady that worked there and asked what are those holes for??

Well I have always wondered the same thing what are these second holes for??

So she explained what to do...

here is the best way i could describe it...

1. take the laces and put the same side lace into the hole from the outside to the inside.

2. make it into a loop don't pull it all the way through

3. take the other side's lace and put it through the loop. do the same on the other side.

4. Then pull them tight. They should look somewhat like this.

5. Then tie it like normal...

So here is what happens... The shoe laces tied this way should make the laces pull from lower back on the foot. The should stay on better, fit better, and be tighter.

Here is where it should pull...

I was amazed by the different feel that it gave.

You need to try it!

here is a youtube video that shows it too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


OH Dear!!! I went to the physical therapist today! It was the most painful visit yet! It is a good thing that it was so painful but it hurts!!

She figured out the spot that is making my leg hurt it's in my medial hamstring. So she "massaged" more like dug into my muscle. It was so painful in the hamstring but when she did that it didn't hurt the other part of my leg so strange. There is no real reason that it should hurt on the lateral lower leg when the actual problem is in the medial hamstring but that's just how it works!

So now that we figured out what the problem is we should be able to work it out and strengthen it so that i can get running again soon!! yay!!

I feel so lame not being able to run and watching everyone else run not to mention not being able to do lunges and squats so dumb...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Running on a moving ship is not easy!!

So last week I went on a cruise! It was amazing and so relaxing!

I did some running! Even though I was not supposed to i just couldn't resist so I put on my shoes and went up to the track.

Let me tell you it is really hard to run on a moving ship!! REALLY HARD! I kept rocking back and forth and forget about running in a straight line there is no such thing!

Also on that track you have to go around 10 times for it to equal a mile! It's really hard to count ten laps while running! I am ok with 4 on a track but 10 ugh.... So i think I ran a mile and a half but I might have miss counted my 15 laps! Oh well atleast I was running and not just eating a ton!

I was also able to focus and make sure that I stepped the correct way so that my leg did not hurt (as much)

I went to physical therapy today and Jill my physical therapist thinks that it might be my medial hamstring! which is wierd because the pain is on the lateral side of my leg! I don't know I am all taped up so that I can't use that muscle right now and I am still not supposed to run ugh...

Friday, May 22, 2009


My physical therapist thinks that my injury might have to do with my hamstring! So hopefully that really is it and we can work towards fixing it so that i can run again!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Blog

Hi I am Jessy! I have never been a runner before. Not even really a jogger. In junior high and high school i could not even run the mile. I would run for a little and then just walk the rest of the way. It's not that I gave up I just couldn't do it. While I was playing volleyball in my sophomore year of high school i hurt my ankle and was unable to or jog at all. Finally my senior year of high school I went to a orthopedic who said I severely pulled a tendon in my ankle. He put me in a cast and crutches for 3 months. After that I had a lot of physical therapy and things to get me back to being able to walk and do normal things forget ever running. I have also been over weight my whole life. I decided it was time for a change I need to set some goals and start exercising more so that I could be in shape!

This year I decided I wanted to become a runner. It's now been 4 years since I graduated high school so i figured it was time! I knew I couldn't just go out of my house and start running that would be crazy!! So i signed up for the orange county adventure boot camp in February! My mom also signed up and we started working towards our goal together! Her goal is to lose 50 pounds in her 50th year! since she turned 50 this year! her is her blog:

At the boot camp we started doing a little bit of jogging with other circuit exercises! It was surprisingly really fun! I love it! it's 530-630 every morning for 4 week intervals! During my second boot camp Sam (our coach/trainer) decided to have us do a timed mile at the beginning to see how we improved by the end of the month. I thought there is no way I can run a mile! I will die! I almost skipped camp that day just to get out of it! but I went and to my surprise i was able to run/jog the entire mile! I could not believe it! and I ran it in 10.49 I could not believe it was even possible!

At the end of the camp I ran it in 10.09 40 seconds faster! I was so excited I could run an entire mile without stopping or walking!

My first goal on this journey is to run a 5k! I did set the goal for running it in June but i injured my leg somehow and am now in physical therapy for a month. My doctor and physical therapist said I am not allowed to run for 1 month. This is now week 2 and it is killing my not to run at all!

I am signing up for a 5k race in August! hopefully I will be able to train and run it by then! The 5k that I signed up for I am able to take my dog and run with her. That should be really awesome! She is going to have to do all of my training with me because she cannot run a mile strait yet either! I tried to take her but I end up dragging her by the time I get to a half mile!

It looks like as soon as I am cleared to run I have a lot of training to do!!