Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Blog

Hi I am Jessy! I have never been a runner before. Not even really a jogger. In junior high and high school i could not even run the mile. I would run for a little and then just walk the rest of the way. It's not that I gave up I just couldn't do it. While I was playing volleyball in my sophomore year of high school i hurt my ankle and was unable to or jog at all. Finally my senior year of high school I went to a orthopedic who said I severely pulled a tendon in my ankle. He put me in a cast and crutches for 3 months. After that I had a lot of physical therapy and things to get me back to being able to walk and do normal things forget ever running. I have also been over weight my whole life. I decided it was time for a change I need to set some goals and start exercising more so that I could be in shape!

This year I decided I wanted to become a runner. It's now been 4 years since I graduated high school so i figured it was time! I knew I couldn't just go out of my house and start running that would be crazy!! So i signed up for the orange county adventure boot camp in February! My mom also signed up and we started working towards our goal together! Her goal is to lose 50 pounds in her 50th year! since she turned 50 this year! her is her blog:

At the boot camp we started doing a little bit of jogging with other circuit exercises! It was surprisingly really fun! I love it! it's 530-630 every morning for 4 week intervals! During my second boot camp Sam (our coach/trainer) decided to have us do a timed mile at the beginning to see how we improved by the end of the month. I thought there is no way I can run a mile! I will die! I almost skipped camp that day just to get out of it! but I went and to my surprise i was able to run/jog the entire mile! I could not believe it! and I ran it in 10.49 I could not believe it was even possible!

At the end of the camp I ran it in 10.09 40 seconds faster! I was so excited I could run an entire mile without stopping or walking!

My first goal on this journey is to run a 5k! I did set the goal for running it in June but i injured my leg somehow and am now in physical therapy for a month. My doctor and physical therapist said I am not allowed to run for 1 month. This is now week 2 and it is killing my not to run at all!

I am signing up for a 5k race in August! hopefully I will be able to train and run it by then! The 5k that I signed up for I am able to take my dog and run with her. That should be really awesome! She is going to have to do all of my training with me because she cannot run a mile strait yet either! I tried to take her but I end up dragging her by the time I get to a half mile!

It looks like as soon as I am cleared to run I have a lot of training to do!!

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