Monday, January 25, 2010


ok so it's been a while i am totally slacking!

Let's see I have still been running almost everyday! it's been raining lately and well i have been slacking in the rain but i just don't feel like getting soaked a little rain is ok but pouring just not fun!

Any way I have been going to this new physical therapy place it's called synergy it's so good! Leo my therapist is awesome and i have been getting great results! I have been able to run without my wrap and without tape and still have no pain! it's amazing! we figured that it is an IT band problem so we have been working on that and so far it's working hopefully i'll only need another month of therapy and been done! so exciting!

I also signed up for a jogging class at school at 7am on Mondays and Wednesdays! I am super excited hopefully I will get some great pointers! I'll have to post things as I go!

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