Saturday, November 16, 2013


I have recently decided to combine all of my different blogs into one blog. I will now be posting at

This blog will be a mix of all of my blogs (running, personal, travel, and random facts). I would love it if you still wanted to follow my blog and see all the things I am running!!

2014 I am planning on doing a few 5ks and possibly a 10k or 2. I will also be running Ragnar Relay which should be really fun.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm back and running again!

So after a long delay and a lot of craziness over the past couple of years I have decided I am back to running!

Remember (or look back) that injury where my leg was hurting and my ankle... well during the Surf city half marathon (which I completed) my knee was killing me. I knew something serious was going on so I went to a sports physical therapy. I went to FORMA in Costa Mesa. I love them and would recommend anyone to go see them if you have a sports injury! After a lot of hard work and tests we found out that I have a fractured back. Yes that's right fractured! All this time. We think that I did it while snowboarding when I was like 15 years old crazy! Because of the place that it is fractured they informed me that it will not heal completely and I basically have to live with it. Thankfully it doesn't hurt all the time just when I do impact time activities.

I went to get a second opinion from the top back specialist in California and sure enough without even looking at the x-rays and just doing a few tests he said I have break in my back. So I was about to lose all hope. He said he could do surgery and put in pins and such but I would not 100% work and He would not recommend it. Then he proceeded to tell me that I could keep running and ignore the pain because it's not going to get worse.

I continued with Therapy at Forma and strengthened my back and leg muscles and decided I was not going to give up on what I love.

Since then I have picked up running again. I now know that I will never be a distance runner and in order to avoid pain I have to stick to short runs at a slower pace. I have to work really hard on keeping my form correct and listening to my body. But I CAN RUN!!!

Over the next few blog posts I will be recapping things since then, showing places I run now (in New Zealand), and recapping a few runs and races I have done recently!

Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this blog more consistently :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


So it's been a long time since my last post! I have been training for the Surf City Half Marathon however I have been somewhat failing at it.

I got tired of running on my own so I have basically been just running with my parents which I have loved but they run a lot slower and a lot less than I should be.

Tonight I went for a 5 mile run by myself and while it was boring by myself it felt so good to go the pace I wanted and just run.

I have been feeling really good running except my feet are killing me. The shoes that I used to love they don't make anymore so i had to start trying new shoes. I went to Roadrunner to get fitted for shoes and they didn't work out so tomorrow I am going to go back and hopefully get new ones that will make my feet not hurt any more!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Surf City Half Marathon

I have not been running much lately.... I broke my foot in England at the beginning of August so I had not ran since i was in England.

So that said I started running again last Saturday. My mom, my dad, and I all signed up for the surfcity half marathon in Feburary. We dicided that we should just set the goal which will force us to actually do it.

My dad and I came up with a training plan that includes running (obviously), intervals, cross training, and strength training. Hopefully we will be able to stay with the schedule and be able to run the entire half marathon.

Since it is raining it is making it really difficult to go out and do the training that is needed... hopefully it stops soon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

jogging final

so for my jogging final I was super tired and my leg was killing me but somehow i was able to finish my mile in 8.03 which is pretty good! and the best time that I have gotten. I do think i could have done better if my leg hadn't been hurting!

Now I am doing a bootcamp with my mom for a while! It's a lot of fun but doesn't have me running as much... I think I'll have to make Katt get up and run with me!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mud run number 2

My parents, Jake and I ran the OC eco mud run this last saturday! We had so much fun!
Sadly the last few weeks my leg has been hurting again so I was not able to run the entire thing I had to take a few breaks to stretch my leg a little bit. Other than that it was really good and we had a really good time! Jake and My time was 35.10 which isn't bad for a 5k but I could have done better if it weren't for my leg!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jogging class

So i have been in this jogging class at school! It's not to bad! I wasn't sure exactly what to expect but i do think it is making me stronger in a way! especially since lately I have been to tired to want to get up and run, this class has forced me to do it anyway and push myself to do it.

We run between a mile and 2 miles ever class which is Mondays and Wednesdays at 7am

This Monday we ran another timed mile. I was trying not to get the best time a could while still beat the time i got on the last one (9.15). I was really shooting for about 9.0 minutes of course I can't ever hit what I want to and ended up getting a 8.24 which actually kind of surprised me that I could do a mile that fast and still think i could go faster! I'm actually kind of excited!

today we ran a timed 2 mile I was able to get 17.47 which isn't to bad i am actually pretty shocked now that I look at it that just a year ago I could not even run a full mile straight and now I am trying to slow myself down. Kinda cool!!

My leg hasn't been hurting at all thankfully! the only time it hurts now is if I try and sprint so I just don't do that :)

I am signed up for the Irvine Mud run on April 24Th with my friend Jake and my parents. So I need to keep up the training to make sure that I will be able to do the 5k in the mud! I am pretty excited about it!