Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm back and running again!

So after a long delay and a lot of craziness over the past couple of years I have decided I am back to running!

Remember (or look back) that injury where my leg was hurting and my ankle... well during the Surf city half marathon (which I completed) my knee was killing me. I knew something serious was going on so I went to a sports physical therapy. I went to FORMA in Costa Mesa. I love them and would recommend anyone to go see them if you have a sports injury! After a lot of hard work and tests we found out that I have a fractured back. Yes that's right fractured! All this time. We think that I did it while snowboarding when I was like 15 years old crazy! Because of the place that it is fractured they informed me that it will not heal completely and I basically have to live with it. Thankfully it doesn't hurt all the time just when I do impact time activities.

I went to get a second opinion from the top back specialist in California and sure enough without even looking at the x-rays and just doing a few tests he said I have break in my back. So I was about to lose all hope. He said he could do surgery and put in pins and such but I would not 100% work and He would not recommend it. Then he proceeded to tell me that I could keep running and ignore the pain because it's not going to get worse.

I continued with Therapy at Forma and strengthened my back and leg muscles and decided I was not going to give up on what I love.

Since then I have picked up running again. I now know that I will never be a distance runner and in order to avoid pain I have to stick to short runs at a slower pace. I have to work really hard on keeping my form correct and listening to my body. But I CAN RUN!!!

Over the next few blog posts I will be recapping things since then, showing places I run now (in New Zealand), and recapping a few runs and races I have done recently!

Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this blog more consistently :)