Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back Home

Coming back from the cruise I thought it was going to be really hard to get back into the swing of things. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was able to go to boot camp the day after we got back and workout the same as I had been. It was pretty good! And on cardio day I about 3 miles! It felt so good to push myself and really accomplish something!

I went back to physical therapy this week. Man was I hurting! I didn't think it was going to be that hard to go back but it was. We are working on building the muscle back in my leg so hopefully I can get the my leg strong and unpainful again! It takes a lot of work!

Running on a Cruise Ship

Everyday on the cruise I was able to run at least a mile sometimes up to 3 miles. I still can't run 3 miles straight without walking but I am doing better. I think with a little more training I will be able to do a 5k without breaking!

It's a little more difficult than you think to run on a cruise ship. It's OK running when the ship is not moving however when the ship is moving it's way hard. Sometimes the ship comes up to meet your foot while other times you take much bigger steps. It's really weird. I guess you would have to experience it to understand!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Running in Alaska

So my family and I are in Alaska for the next 2 weeks. Of course just
because you are on vacation does not mean that you can take a break
from running!

So this morning my mom dad And I headed out for a run we found this
great trail that was about a half mile.

The temperaure was perfect for running not to cold not to hot just
perfect! I hope all of our days here are this perfect for running. We
ran about 1.5 miles although it was a much slower pass than I am used
which sometimes is good to take it easy.